Checking in with my personal and well being goals for the month of August. I would love to hear your goals too!
I can’t exactly say I’m thrilled August is here. In my mind, August represents the end of summer and the process of getting older – two things I’m not loving the thought of right about now. Yup, August is my birthday month and as another year of my 20’s whizzes by I can’t help but feel a little anxious about it. In an attempt to drown out that noise and inspire more positivity, I’m checking in to share my August goals.
First, let’s chat about how July went.
July Goals
My first goal was to shut down all electronics an hour before bed. I wouldn’t say I hit this one out of the park, but I was definitely mindful of how I spent my screen time. Something that helped me power down was to set an alarm an hour before I wanted to go to bed each night titled “Get offline” – I didn’t follow it 100% of the time, but it was a really good reminder for me.
My second goal was to connect with a blogger or influencer outside of the food/recipe space. I am happy to say I connected with Coley, the founder of Life Goals Mag during Allie Tymo’s #SoulSparkChat on Twitter. If you haven’t checked out Life Goals Mag, you must! Coley is great, and has created an amazing community. Life Goals Mag has a wealth of inspiration that helps millennial women feel like the best version of themselves. Pretty awesome right? I even had the opportunity to write a piece called “How to Create a Relaxing Night Routine” for the site. Check it out! But be warned, there are so many great posts it is easy to binge-read post after post.
My last goal was to workout in the morning before work three times per week. I definitely feel like I got my workout groove back, and have been consistently getting in at least three great sweat sessions each week. I’m starting to feel stronger, and am definitely inspired to keep it up.
August Goals
1. Get back to meal prepping
How I want to feel: more energetic by focusing on whole foods.
My meal planning and prep has been pretty much non-existent for the last few months. For years I was militant about meal prep, and would spend hours each and every Sunday planning and prepping exactly what I was going to eat all week. Over the past few months, I started feeling burned out spending half my Sunday doing so much prep so I just stopped and started winging my meals. Some weeks it was great, because I had more time and freedom to get creative in the kitchen. Other times, it was a hot mess and I wasted a lot of food, and money.
I definitely want to strike a balance between prepping, but not being too strict or allowing my prep to take up an entire day. I plan on prepping basic staples each week that can be mixed and matched for a variety of meals. I’ll let you guys know good tips and tricks as I go!
2. Try one new fitness class per week.
How I want to feel: strong, energetic, social.
Fitness classes are what made me fall in love with fitness. July was so crazy I hardly had a chance to take any classes, but I definitely want to get back to it. I love going to workout classes with friends – new classes are more fun and less intimidating with a buddy! Also, a great part of working at lululemon is having the opportunity to connect and check out local fitness studios. I definitely want to take advantage, and would like to try one new class per week! On my list is Flywheel, a Pure Barre Platform class and an arial yoga class. Seattle peeps, what else should I try?
3. Make more time for fun.
How I want to feel: less stressed, social, balanced.
The hustle is real you guys. In addition to working my two main jobs, I have been double side hustling and working on turning The Balanced Berry into a legit business and am integrating my fitness background into some other fun stuff I have coming up. I love being busy, but lately I have been feeling like burnout is on the horizon. I understand that to be successful you have to make sacrifices, but I would also be a hypocrite if I didn’t balance things out a little. This month I would like to have at least one fun date day and/or night with the boyfriend that isn’t blog-related (aka not making him be my cameraman) and at least one girls day and/or night with my friends. It sounds ridiculous to make those things a “goal” but after going 100 mph for the past few months, I need to keep myself accountable to honor my personal relationships and make a little time for fun here and there. I’m still in a season of hustle, but that doesn’t mean I can’t spend quality time with my peeps.
What are your goals for August?
Help I’m stuck on Life Goals Mag and I can’t get out. I’m already obsessed with it, SO many good articles! Yours had so many great tips that I can’t wait to try out.
So happy for you and your July goals you killlllled!!! It honestly feels like it was like two days ago that you posted about your July goals… Summer is flying by way to quick.
My goals for August are to disconnect and get outside and explore more, read meditate and yoga everyday (didn’t do so well on it in July so I’m trying again), and to make weekly videos!
Happy August, Les!!
Leah! This comment made me so happy. So glad you’re enjoying Life Goals Mag!
RIGHT? The website is just so great. Thank you so much for following along! Your goals sound awesome – I’m beginning to appreciate the beauty of unplugging and exploring more too. And you really can’t go wrong with more yoga and meditation. I’m also really excited you want to make weekly videos! What kind of videos do you want to make? Happy August!
Thaaat’s what I have to figure out haha! Probably mostly recipe and like what I eat in a day videos. Hoping to do one on self-care too!
Thank you for the kind words! I’m so glad that you said yes to guest posting for us. It was such a fun read and I’m excited for our future collaborations to come! Good luck with your goals this month. I’m sure you will rock them!
Thank you for the opportunity Coley!
August is always a great time for goal-setting! Even though I’m not in school anymore, I definitely still think of this time of year as a new beginning.
Your goals seem healthy and positive! I have some similar goals. π I just posted about doing a Whole30 during this month of August, and I’m hoping to do a few other posts soon about some of my other goals.
Good luck! I look forward to hearing in September how you did with these goals! π
I completely agree – I think this time of year is better for making goals than January! I used to always make “new school year resolutions.” I’m realizing now how nerdy I sound!
I have so many goals for August I think I need to clone myself. But since that technology doesn’t exist/I couldn’t afford it if it did, I’ll settle for setting a more realistic number of goals haha
The biggest one I have is to stick with post to HD at least once a week. Already failed this week, but I’m counting my guest post on BGB lol
p.s. waiting till tomorrow to check out life goals mag because it’s wayyyy too late to start binge reading haha
Haha yes – I know. It can be so easy to set all the goals in the world, but starting off with just a few is totally the way to go. And YES to HD posts because you’re amazing and I want all the knowledge in your brain.
I love these goals because they are simple and straightforward Les! π
Thanks Emily!
I feel you. August is not even my birth month, but since it’s fast approaching, I can feel depression sneaking in. Another year, and I’ve still not yet achieve my goals.. But I listened to Earl Nightingale’s The Strangest Secret (not my first time, but the message is so good it bear repeating over and over), and realized that I shouldn’t let “life” get in the way.. He said that ‘young people’ in their 20s tend to have this positive, ‘ready to take on the world’ vibe which most lose after a few decades, cause ‘life happened’ π Sad, but it’s a reminder that we should always strive to be positive and to shape our future, and not just let life happen.
It’s great to see your goals! I too have a problem dealing with my screen time. Will head over to Life Goals Mag.. Your warning is noted π
I know exactly how you feel Sarah. Our 20’s are a tricky time. On one hand, I feel like my whole life is ahead and on the other I feel like I’ve wasted so much time. The only thing we can do is stay positive and make each day amazing one day at a time. Sending love your way.
And I hope you love Life Goals Mag! It is such an amazing resource – it’s a good black hole to get sucked into π