The Bottom’s Up workout is the perfect routine to strengthen your glutes and abs.
This workout is designed to be completed in a pyramid format, meaning you begin by completing 10 reps of each exercise in the circuit. Then, you repeat the entire circuit completing 9 reps of each exercise. Then 8 reps…until you get down to one rep of each exercise. This workout will get your booty burning in a good way!
Workout Instructions and Modifications
Lunge Jump to Squat – Perform a plyometric lunge on each leg immediately followed by a bodyweight squat. Land softly during your lunge and keep your chest up as you squat. Performing a lunge on each leg followed by a squat = 1 rep.
Modification: Perform a reverse lunge without the jump on each leg before performing the squat.
Clamshell to Kickback – Lie on your side with your hips stacked on top of one another. Perform a clamshell abduction by bringing your top knee to meet your bottom knee, then bring your tip heel to meet your bottom heel. Immediately follow the clamshell with a glute kick by bringing your top leg straight up into the air. A clamshell abduction followed by one kickback = 1 rep. Complete all reps on each side (ie: start by completing 10 reps on each leg).
Plank Pop Ups – Begin in a straight-arm plank position. Jump your feet up to meet your hands, and stand up into a squat position. Lower your hands back down to the ground and jump your feet back into a plank. Repeat for all reps.
Modification: Step your feet in and out of the plank position instead of jumping.
Plank Hip Dips – Begin in a forearm plank position. Engage your core as you lower your hips down to one side, then swivel your hips to dip to the other side. Repeat all reps on each side (ie: begin with 10 reps on each side, or 20 reps total).
Booty Kickback – Begin balancing on one leg with your hands on the ground. You can have a slight bend in your standing leg if needed. With your other leg floating in the air, slowly lower your leg down to meet your standing leg. Bend both legs at the knee, and extend back to a single-leg standing position to perform a kickback with your floating leg. Repeat all reps on each side.
Modification: Keep your hands on a yoga block or chair if you can’t reach the ground.