“The less you open your heart to others, the more your heart suffers.”
I can’t lie, I still get all sorts of anxiety writing these types of posts, which explains why there’s only a handful on the blog. While I work hard to create great recipes and content here, something very obvious is missing from so many of my posts.
I’ve had this blog for almost a year now, and I realized that for those who have been reading it for the last several months (I posted without telling anyone about it for a long time) still probably don’t know anything about the girl behind the blog. That’s because so much of what makes me, me is missing from what I post here. Early on, I got very caught up in constantly feeling like I needed to “add value.” That if I wasn’t creating Pinterest-worthy images and recipes, no one would stop and look. I’m realizing what made me fall in love with so many of my favorite blogs – the connection I felt to the bloggers through their posts. When I read their writing I instantly felt like I knew them, and that whatever workout, recipe or whatever they were sharing was like getting a recommendation from a friend.
If I’m being honest, I really don’t have that with my readers and that’s something I want to change.
So let’s put a little more me up in here, starting with me taking a bit of a breather. As many of you know, I’m currently taking pre-requisites to apply for Master’s programs to become a Registered Dietician. While having a full-time job. And having another part-time job. And having a blog. And (trying) to have a life. Needless to say, I feel like I have not been living up to my blog name. There hasn’t really been a whole lot of “balance” around here. There’s been a lot of work, a lot of homework and a lot of stress.
That’s why I’ve decided to take summer quarter off from school, and pick up my pre-requisites in the fall.
It’s a little nerve-wracking feeling like I’m potentially setting myself back from reaching my goals. But I’ve learned in spreading myself too thin, the blog wasn’t the only thing missing “me.” My family, my friends, my relationship and even the things I’m passionate about (that have become somewhat of a chore) need a little more me.
I need a little more me.
So I’ll be spending the summer working, studying for the GRE (again) and enjoying life with a little more fun, and a little less stress. It will be my mission to try to re-gain my balance so I can continue sharing with you all, and so that once fall comes around I am refreshed and able to jump back in the saddle.
I’m looking forward to having my version of a summer vacation, and I can’t wait to get to know you all better.
Your turn:
How do you find balance when you feel stretched too thin?
I think I got exhausted just reading that! Phew. So happy you’re taking more time for you! I totally get caught up in feeling like I’m supposed to be on a “track”. I ask myself whether I’m “on schedule” all the time but I don’t even know what that means or why I’d want to be on a track. So yeah, doing you is hugely crucial to happiness and success (IMHO)
Thank you so much for your comment Georgie! I feel ya, sometimes its so easy to get caught up on being “on track” we forget to live a little!
You and REAL life, your dreams, goals, and passions and learning come first always! Do what feels right and let your heart guide you! Blogging is always here; however you want that to be and look! XOXO
Couldnt have said it better myself Rebecca. Thanks so much!
I took a semester off from prerequisite classes and it was a great decision. It’s really easy to feel worn down from all the hard work you put in with school, working and blogging – you deserve a little R&R time to recharge and hang out with the people you love (plus, I’ve heard the weather in Seattle is unreal right now
! You’re doing a great job managing it all – you should feel very proud.
Lauren, I am so glad to hear you have done the same thing first hand. And yes, its beautiful here! And it certainly still will be when you move up!
It’s easier said that done! The first step is admitting to yourself when you’re feeling overwhelmed and stretched too thin , and for some people (myself included) that’s hard to admit!
The best way to find balance is to stop looking for it. I know that sounds backwards, but I find that the I stress myself out more about making sure I’m giving equal attention to everything…sometimes some things just need to fall to side. It’s not saying you can’t prioritize things, but when you do, realize that it’s okay to let some things go!
Totally agree with you! True balance is left unsaid.
I go back and forth with the kind of blog I want to have and write for all the time!
I feel you – it’s hard to find that sweet spot!
Your honest post, although maybe hard to write, is much appreciated! You’ve got support from us :). I find balance from stressful work/life by taking a break. That means taking a day or two off work!
I loved this post and taking the break I think is so important. I remember everyone in my nursing class taking all these summer courses to help them get a job after they graduated or get into grad school. I on the other hand decided to throw myself into daily vlogging. I even recently turned down a ideal hospital RN job in the ICU because I wanted more time to work on my passion of helping other college girls create systems that give them more free time in college to experience life. Trust your gut girl, it always leads you to exactly what you need to experience to become the best version of you.
Clarissa, you are always so on point! I know I have personally benefitted so much from your amazing content when it comes to keeping organized, studying and staying sane. Thanks for all you do!