This ab workout will strengthen your entire core. It’s a circuit of some of my favorite moves to fire up and strengthen your midsection. All you need is a pair of light dumbbells to get started.
Standing Crunch
Begin in a standing position with your feet hip distance apart and a dumbbell in your right hand positioned overhead. Balance on your left foot, and use your core to bring your right knee and elbow together to perform a standing crunch. Perform 10 reps on each side.
Modification: Use bodyweight only.
Plank Crunch to Push Up
Begin in a straight-arm plank position. Bring your right knee up to meet your right elbow to perform a plank crunch. Kick your leg back to perform a glute kickback while performing a push-up. Perform 10 reps on each side.
Modification: Lower to your knees for the push-up.
Break Dancer
Begin in a tabletop position with your core engaged. Swivel your hips to one side bringing your bottom foot in front of you to perform a kick. Switch to the other side and perform 20 total reps.
Modification: Swivel hips from side to side without the kick.
Side Plank Toe Taps
Begin in a side plank position. Keep your core nice and tight as you pick up your top foot and tap your toes in front of you, then raise your leg and tap your toes behind you. Keep your abs tight so you aren’t swinging your hips up and down, and make sure you keep your neck aligned with your spine.
Modification: Lower your bottom knee to the ground.
Reverse Crunches
Lie down in a supine position with your knees up in a tabletop. Engage your core to straighten your legs and raise your hips on the ground. You can keep your hands under your hips for additional lower back support.
Reach and Pull
Begin in a modified side plank position with your bottom knee on the ground. With your top arm and leg, reach behind you until you feel a light stretch in the abs, then use your core to bring your knee and elbow together. Repeat for 10 reps then switch sides.
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