How to Feel Confident at the Gym – easy tips and tricks to help you feel more comfortable working on your fitness in public.
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When you think about it, gyms are so weird. A giant room you’re in with a bunch of strangers, not really talking to anyone yet still getting sweaty…
It’s all just weird. But also kind of awesome.
The gym can be a really intimidating place, especially for women, and especially when you’re getting into your fitness groove. Between rows of overwhelming equipment, trainers that aren’t very friendly or helpful (the worst), and fellow gym-goers who can potentially make you feel uncomfortable…there can be a lot of curveballs thrown at you from the jump.
But here’s the deal. I don’t want you to let that stop you.
Working out at home can be great, however, it doesn’t work for everyone (myself included 🙋🏾). Sometimes you just need to get up, get out of the house, and take some time to challenge yourself physically and mentally. So if you want to take advantage of what your local fitness spot has to offer but you’re worried about what people there will think about you, read on for my favorite tips to help you feel more confident at the gym.
Remember, you are worthy.
I know, we are starting off a little heavy. But often times feelings of unworthiness can be a huge limiting factor in one’s fitness journey. No matter where you are in your journey, no matter what shape you’re in, no matter how you look, no matter what you’re wearing…you have every right to be there as much as anyone else. Your health matters just as much as everyone else’s. You belong. Remember that.
Go in with a plan.
This is the golden rule. Always have a plan, stan. Have a workout saved to your phone or written down ahead of time so you can just turn on your tunes, and get in the zone. When you go in with a plan, you don’t have to wander around aimlessly (which is another huge limiting factor for people). Glance over the workout ahead of time so you understand what movements you are about to do and what equipment you’ll need to use. You’ll be more focused, and you’ll have more intention. (Shameless plug, I’m working on an amazing resource that will help you always know what workout to do. Sign up here for first dibs on details).
Know when to break up.
Sometimes, you’ll come across a gym or studio that just isn’t the right fit – and that’s ok. If you are in an environment that truly makes you feel uncomfortable or doesn’t give you a good vibe, don’t force yourself to go there. It’s ok to take your time and find a workout environment that empowers you, and that you feel comfortable going to.
Go during non-peak hours.
If going to the gym during the 5:00 pm rush after work freaks you out, consider going at a time that’s less busy. Maybe you’re able to fit in a workout on your lunch break, or after dinner. Experiment with your schedule to find what works for you. Personally speaking, this rationale is what got me started on my morning exercise habit years ago, and is the reason I’ve been able to stick to an exercise routine consistently for the last 6+ years.
When I first started getting into fitness, I really wanted to learn how to lift weights, but felt really freaked out going right after work when the weight room was full of guys who knew what they were doing. Were they going to judge me? Laugh at me? Creep on me? UGH. So instead I started waking up early and hitting the gym before work. The gym was WAY emptier and I felt more comfortable to try new movements and equipment. It gave me space to learn and feel more comfortable, and those workouts laid the foundation my training is still inspired by today.
(Oh you KNOW I had to sneak a plug in here for morning exercise 😉.)
Focus on workouts you actually enjoy.
While not all workouts are going to be 100% fun while you’re doing them, it is important to focus on workouts and activities you don’t absolutely hate. If you’re doing things you actually enjoy, you’ll feel much better about getting out and getting moving.
People who truly enjoy running on the treadmill aren’t getting wrapped up around what people think of them running on the treadmill. They just do it.
People who love Crossfit and crush their PR’s aren’t sitting it out because they’re worried about how they look. They’re too busy crushing PR’s.
Find activities you look forward to doing, and you’ll feel more confident doing them because you’ll actually have fun doing them.
Dress appropriately for your workout.
Not all workout clothes were created equal, friend. And I’m not talking about brands, I’m talking about intention. Did you know that certain activewear cuts and fabrics were specifically designed for yoga? Meanwhile, others were specifically designed for running? And weightlifting, etc.? If you’re wearing clothes that weren’t designed to perform for the activity you’re using them for, chances are they could ride up, fall down, get in the way, chafe, flop around…basically wardrobe malfunctions galore.
Since you already know what workout you’ll be doing ahead of time (right?!), make sure you dress accordingly too. You’ll feel WAY more comfortable, and it will make all the difference in helping you correctly execute your movements.
Remember your goals.
Why do you want to workout in the first place? Do you want to improve your health? Have more energy? Overcome an injury? Feel good in your body?
I’m going to give you a little tough love/honesty here. If you want change, you have to create it. If you want to be stronger, you have to get a little uncomfortable. If you want more energy, you have to get up and generate it. Constantly revisit your goals, make sure they are relevant, make sure you are motivated and inspired by them. And if you don’t feel inspired when visiting your goals, chuck ‘em and create new ones. Let your goals fuel your intention and confidence.
Release feelings of judgment.
The gym can be a huge source of anxiety because it feels like we are likely to be judged. I mean, we are in close quarters with others, sometimes in compromising positions. Surely those “super-fit” people have to be judging us right?!
Well, not so fast.
Take a deep breath. Chances are, those “super-fit” people who you think might be judging you probably aren’t judging you. Want to know how they probably got “super-fit”? By focusing on their own ish and staying consistent with their workouts. Often times our fear of being judged comes from insecurity about what we are doing and feeling like we don’t belong (see #1 and #2). Remember, you DO belong. Go in with a plan. And get. It. Done.
And if someone is “judging” you, so what? If they do, it’s because they are a jerk and they aren’t worth worrying about. And at the end of the day, no one is going to walk up to you and say “hey, I’m judging you for what you’re doing.” That just doesn’t happen. Don’t let people you don’t even know get in the way of you prioritizing your health.
Your Turn:
- Have you ever felt self-conscious working out at the gym?
- What did you do to move past it?