A simple tutorial showing you how to make a matcha latte using two easy methods.
Let’s talk about caffeine for a second. How do you feel about it? Do you need it to function? Are you sensitive to it, and get the jitters anytime you get a whiff of coffee? Are you totally caffeine-neutral?
I spent the first six months of 2016 as a recovering coffee addict. You guys, it was bad. I have always loved coffee, and started drinking it regularly after college (thank you, corporate America). My beloved coffee pot that I bought my senior year of college is still kicking, and has a timer feature that I have always loved.
The timer feature was a major issue.
I began programming the timer to start brewing coffee a few minutes before my alarm went off each morning to help get myself out of bed. In fact, once last year my dad drank my coffee before I had a chance to get to it, and I may or may not have had a mini meltdown. First of all, I typically wake up before 5 a.m. so brain function is pretty low at that time. Second of all, I’m not necessarily awake that early because I love being at work by 7 a.m. I’m awake because I have a set morning routine, and like drinking my morning coffee right after my lemon water, so I couldn’t comprehend being awake and not having coffee waiting for me.
I know, I sound like a lunatic. Mainly because I was. So back in January, I decided to get off the coff. But the thought of getting through the day without some source of caffeine was a complete joke. Enter: matcha.
I was definitely a fan of matcha green tea latte’s in college, but was reintroduced to it back in December when I ordered some at Fresh Flours while meeting up with Lauren from Nutrition Elevated (p.s. If you don’t follow Lauren you need to ASAP! She’s a kickass RD and posts awesome content). When I gave up the coffee, I knew matcha was the perfect replacement. Soon enough, matcha was a new part of my morning routine.
Sidenote: matcha is like 50 shades of trendy right now. Everybody is hopping on that antioxidant train, but we all could use a little more antioxidants in our lives so it’s all goodness.
I went all in and got the fancy bamboo whisk and generally feel really fancy when making my morning matcha. However, a handy dandy mason jar will do the trick in a pinch.
I went without coffee for about six months, and have slowly started reintroducing it. I definitely don’t feel the crazy-dependent feelings I once did, and don’t need to drink it every single day. Even though I dipping my toes back into the coffee pool (wait, how amazing does that sound?) my matcha love still runs deep. Real deep.
Ever since I started posting about matcha all the time on Instagram, I started getting lot of questions about how I make it and what kind I recommend. Well, it only took me 87 years to post but consider this your easy matcha go-to tutorial. And when it comes to tutorials, what’s better than a video?
Ok, guys, I have to be honest – I’m really terrified of this video. I have been having a major blogger identity crisis and have been struggling with doing things that feel overdone or are just like what everyone else is doing (yes, matcha is pretty overdone at this point but overlook that). And when it comes to the 60-second hands making food video things I’m just…over it. Because really, how unique are they? Watching a video of my hands preparing something is the same as watching anyone else’s hands prepare something. You don’t get to know me, and it’s not as if I’m right there making it with you. So I decided to let you bask in all my awkwardness and actually got in front of the camera for the matcha tutorial. Please be kind, I’m by no means a professional YouTube sensation. I just wanted to show you guys what I really do.
Oh, and make sure you watch all the way till the end because I have a special guest (the boyfriend) who will be telling you all about why you need to make matcha, and it’s actually the best part of the video.
Here’s what you’ll need:
- Matcha
- Bamboo Whisk or Mason Jar
- Water
- Almond Milk or milk of choice
So grab your bamboo whisk or mason jar and get your lazy girl (or guy) matcha latte on.
- 1 Teaspoon Matcha Powder
- ~2-3 Tablespoons Hot Water
- 1 Cup Unsweetened Almond Milk (or milk of choice)
- Sweetener of choice
- In a small dish, combine the hot water and matcha. Using a bamboo whisk, gently whisk the water and matcha until you form a paste.
- Transfer the matcha mixture to a glass of almond milk, and stir until combined. Sweeten to taste.
- In a mason jar, combine the hot water or matcha. Gently swirl around until the matcha starts to dissolve and a paste forms.
- Add the almond milk to the jar, and secure the lid. Shake until the matcha paste is dissolved, and mixed evenly throughout the almond milk.
Your Turn:
- Have you ever tried matcha?
- How do you feel about caffeine?
- Videos – did you like it? Would you like to see more in the future?
Great video, Les!! Thank you for including both ways because I’ve never made a matcha latte before or even bought matcha! And you’re so beautiful by the way
Definitely trying this!!!
Thank you SO much for your support! Let me know if you give the matcha a try
Awesome video girl! I am totally making this matcha latte!!
Yesss I hope you love it!
Oh my goodness you are so dang cute!! The video is great!! I love the outtakes <3 can't wait to see more videos from you talented lady!
Aww thanks Leah! <3
First of all, you are stunningly beautiful, so please get in front of the camera more!
Secondly, no joke, I actually started tearing up from laughing so hard at both your ‘polaroid picture’ reference and then when your BF paused to ‘get into character.’ THANK YOU for making my morning!
And lastly, thank you for the sweet shoutout!! XO
Ahhh you are seriously too kind. And I’m so glad you get our weird humor…I debated including those parts in the video but then realized, if I’m going to keep it real I have to include them!
The video <3 Great job, my friend!
Aww thanks Rebecca <3 I appreciate the love!
OMG I LOOOOOOOVED THAT! You’re so great on camera and the outtakes had me crying!!!! AHAHA!!! Too funny. Is that your boyfriend?!
So glad you liked it Kaila! The outtakes are definitely my favorite part. And yup, that’s my guy. He’s such a good sport letting me put that on the internet! haha
I should probably try to go a few weeks without coffee and replace with matcha… maybe, just maybe I will.
Also, seriously obsessed with this video. I can’t wait to see MORE!!!! <3 <3 <3 Oh an please come to east side of country asap
My computer froze up before I could watch the rest of the outtakes but I love “I don’t even know what matcha tea is” TOTALLY something Drew would say. Hysterical.
Hahaha that is the best part. Boys are so funny!
OmG, this is the 1st time I’ve seen anything other than pics of you in so long, & U R just too cute & fun! I can’t believe you’re that same adorable little girl, w/the impossibly long lashes, that I remember from years ago! I’ve always loved Matcha, & U have totally inspired me…I’m thinkin’ of addin’ a lil’ Agave nectar & some English Toffee Stevia drops.
My fave part of your tutorial is the look on your face when you’re shakin’ the Mason jar…so classic mini-Trina!! U ROCK!
Thank you so much Nikki! <3