Can someone please tell me how on earth it is July 5 already? Really, I would like to know. Last month I shared three of my personal goals with you all here on the blog, and I wanted to check in to let you know how they went and what my focus areas were for this month.
Here were my goals for the month of June:
1. Meditate three times per week: Not to sound cocky, but I killed it on this one. I am a huge creature of habit, so once I set meditation into my morning routine it became automatic. I meditated about five times per week throughout the month, and I could tell a huge difference in how I felt on the days I did not meditate. When I did meditate, I felt much more calm and positive. I dealt with some challenging stuff last month, and felt like I was able to handle it in stride on the days I did meditate. On the days that I did not, I definitely had a harder time keeping myself calm. I noticed I am really good about meditating during the week, but definitely need to get better about incorporating meditation into my weekends. This is because I don’t stick to a set routine on the weekends. While I like my relaxed weekends and don’t want to get stuck into a firm routine on these days, I definitely want to incorporate meditation into my weekends. I caught myself acting like a real Negative Nancy a couple of times on these days, so meditation definitely shouldn’t be just a weekday activity for me. Living and learning!
2. Publish an ebook: I’m going to take my cockiness from the meditation goal back because this one was a big fat fail. Not only did I not publish an ebook. I really didn’t even start. I could list out a ton of excuses as to why this didn’t happen, but it boils down to a few simple things. 1) I didn’t break down the steps to accomplish this goal, and didn’t incorporate these steps into my to-do list and 2) I’m really not that excited about the topic I originally had in mind. I was going to write an ebook about a topic I get questions and comments about all the time (photography) but my heart just wasn’t in it. I felt like there are so many resources already out there (many of which I used to develop my own style) and I felt like I didn’t have anything to say that hasn’t already been said. I would love to publish an ebook at some point, but I just don’t think a photography ebook is what I want to do right now.
3. Write every day: If I had to give myself a letter grade on this goal, I would give myself a B+. I wrote most days, usually in the mornings while writing down what I was grateful for. A few times each week I did write a few pieces that could be used for future blog posts, and several times throughout the month I just wrote about thoughts that I had that won’t be published or shared. I definitely wrote more than usual and felt like I got into a good writing groove. I didn’t write every single day, but I would say I achieved what I was hoping to achieve from this goal.
Feeling-Based Goal Setting
So before we dive into my July goals, I want to talk a little more about goal setting and want to share a personal update. If you follow me on snapchat you may have seen that I recently started working as a part-time educator at lululemon! I have only been working this job for a few weeks, but so far I love it. I have great co-workers, and have generally had a blast every time I have gone to work. So far my favorite thing about working at lululemon has been the emphasis on goal-setting for everyone who works there. During my new employee on-boarding, I was introduced to a whole new way of setting goals that I am really excited to put into action.
As long as I could remember, I have always set achievement-based goals. I set goals based off of arbitrary things I wanted to do, or (full transparency) set goals to achieve things hoping that others would see me a certain way if I accomplished them. I’m learning that isn’t the most effective way to set a goal. Lululemon has challenged me to set goals based off of how I want to feel when I achieve it. Hashtag, duh. Brilliant right? If a goal is set as an arbitrary task (i.e.: the photography ebook) then yes, it is really easy to blow it off because I don’t really care to achieve it. But if I can connect a goal to a positive feeling I want to have (like the calm, positive vibes I get from meditation), you bet your bottom dollar I’m going to try my best to achieve that goal so I can have that feeling. Doesn’t that make you want to set some feeling-based goals right now?Yes yes yes. Let’s get into it!
July 2016 Goals
Goal 1: No electronics an hour before bed.
How I want to feel: Rested, alert and able to complete my daily tasks.
You guys, when it comes to being on my phone or computer before bed I am kind of the worst. Like, over the past few months it has gotten BAD. I’m doing everything from browsing social media (not in a productive way), to working on blog posts, to writing random thoughts, to finding new blogs and influencers to follow and everything in between. Basically I’m getting myself all worked up right before “bedtime” and am finding myself staying up later and later each night. This is causing me to hit the snooze button a ton, wake up later than I would like and skip more morning workouts than I would like to admit. If I can stop using my phone and laptop at least an hour before bed, I will (hopefully) have an easier time falling to sleep each night, and will be able to wake up early enough to get in my morning workout. I will also feel rested enough to have lasting energy throughout the day instead of crashing every day by the time the afternoon rolls around.
Goal 2: Connect with at least one blogger outside the food/recipe space.
How I want to feel: Like I am building genuine relationships without comparison.
Ok you guys, I’m about to spit some trill talk that may not be popular, but it is coming from a truly honest place. Reading food blogs just aren’t doing it for me right now. Over the past two years of blogging, I have connected with some incredible people. Some from brands, some fellow bloggers. I have made friends, and come across some incredible business people whom I can learn a ton from. Up until recently most of these folks have been in the food space. I have alluded to it before, but I am craving the creation and consumption of different types of content than I liked in the past. I have a really hard time reading other food blogs, or looking at all-food Instagram accounts without comparing their success to mine. At this point, I know how to cook and feed myself, and that type of content just doesn’t fill me up the way it used to. Plus, I just plain feel bad about myself and my content when it feels like everyone else is so much more successful at sharing that type of stuff than I was when that was my focus. I’m tired of feeling that way, so it is time to focus on other things.
Lately I have found myself drawn more to bloggers who focus on overall wellness (including topics like mindfulness and mental well-being instead of just food and traditional fitness), mind-body fitness, style and green beauty. Those are all areas I am incredibly interested in and am exploring more and more in my personal life. I increasingly have been loving blogs, websites and social media accounts that challenge me to think differently and foster overall positive feelings. I would love to genuinely connect with the creators behind some of the blogs and websites that have been inspiring me. My goal is to reach out to them and let them know how much I enjoy their content. I tend to get really shy about stuff like this, so this goal is definitely a stretch for me!
Goal 3: Workout in the morning before work three days per week.
How I want to feel: Strong, focused and ready for the day.
So this goal is really tough for me to admit I need help with. Yes, I am a personal trainer and fitness lover. Yes, I have been preaching the benefits of morning exercise for years. And yes, for the past month I have been slacking big time and haven’t been engaging in fitness the way I usually do. While I no longer have it in me to wake up at 4 a.m. every morning to get in a crazy balls to the wall morning workout five or six days per week (ugh, I did this for too many years and it was so unnecessary), I can absolutely wake up three days per week to get a good sweat session in before starting the rest of my day. If I can stick to my no screen-time before bed goal, I can absolutely do this. Although I have still been going to barre once per week, and the occasional yoga class I have lost some of my strength and would like to get back to my strength-training roots. By achieving this goal, I will feel physically strong again, and I know that I will feel even stronger mentally, too.
And there you have it – my goals for July, along with how I would like to feel once I achieve them. I would love to hear what some of your goals are, along with how you would like to feel.
Featured photo by Jenna Kutcher.
These are such awesome goals Les, especially no electronics before bed. I’m SO BAD with this one! I definitely need to be more mindful about meditating too. Congratulations on the new part-time job as well!! Cannot wait to see that upcoming e-book. π
Thank you so much Marina. That one is so hard! I’m having a hard time adjusting to it for sure.
Congrats on reaching your goal of meditating every day! That’s such a big accomplishment, meditating can be really hard for a lot of people (myself included). All my attempts at quieting my mind have been huge fails… my mind seems to go at a million miles per minute and it’s near impossible to turn the thoughts off. So I thought I’d ask your advice – do you have any resources or websites that helped you when you were learning how to meditate? π
Thank you Sarah! I found following guided meditations on apps really helped. A few of my favorites are Calm, Headspace and the Rituals app. Gabrielle Bernstein has some meditations available on her old podcast that I really like too! I will say, I’m not perfect. Sometimes my mind is still noisy, but it gets better with practice. Good luck! Let me know if any of those work out for you π
Nice job killin’ it with the meditation, Les! I also love the idea of using feelings to drive your goals. I’ve been learning tons about goal setting strategy in my classes, and making sure you really know why you want to do it in the first place is so key. Good luck this month, and have fun on your vacay! xx
Thanks Catherine π Good luck on your goals as well!
Girl, you’re amazing. I love this and the feeling based goals, I’m so excited to see hpw this month goes for you- I’m sure you’re going to kill it and feel like a badass goddess!!
I’ve been loving wellness blogs lately, especially ones that focus on self-care and body image, I’d love to hear some of your favourites right now! I’m always excited to check out new blogs.
My goals for the month are to meditate, read, and yoga everyday – I’m about 4.5 for 6 so far π I know these things make me feel my best and at peace, but I’ve been bad at prioritizing them. Also to run a total of 15k throughout the month. I’m not much of a runner, but I just want to increase my overall fitness, plus there are just so many beautiful places to run where I live, I gotta take advantage!!
YES. I’m right there with you. Some of my favorite blogs lately include The Blissful Mind (Catherine actually commented up above, check her out!), Smart Twenties and Gurl Gone Green. Also, your 15k goal sounds awesome – this is the best time of year to run! How’s that going so far?
I love how you are checking in with us about your goals and being 100% honest about them! I feel like so many bloggers put out posts relating to goals but never check in afterwards and let their readers know how things are going, but let’s be real, none of us are perfect at everything. Also, your goals are actually REALISTIC and relatable, which I really admire! I love this idea of feeling-based goal setting — I definitely want to incorporate that into my own goals! Thanks for sharing, Les! XO
Aww thanks Christina! It keeps me honest π
THIS: Like I am building genuine relationships without comparison.
I love. I never really thought of it that way because i too am building relationships with people who are so fitness and lifestyle oriented, that it’s subconsciously always a comparison game. i’d love to see how you get on with this goal on next months recap!
i’m so lame, my goal is STILL to start sleeping normally again without medication, but it’s allll mental. hard to change something that your brain has accidentally learnt.
RIGHT? I love and whole-heartedly support those who do similar things as me, but it is so hard to constantly watch what they are doing without comparison. I definitely understand where you’re coming from on the sleep goal, baby steps…
And can I just say how much I LOVED your thick thighs blog post?! I was nodding and smiling in agreement with all eight points. Cheers to having muscular thighs!
I love the concept of adding feelings to goals, I make the same mistake of setting goals that are too disconnected from the place I am at emotionally and then I beat myself up when I don’t reach them. I think the feeling component will help foster self-awareness. I can relate to the food blog spill too sometimes I just want to find something real and relatable in what I’m reading…just like this π
I am so glad you liked the feelings-based goal approach Amy! Goal setting should definitely be about feeling good. So glad you found this relatable π