I am obsessed with goals. I usually always have at least one goal that I am working towards, and love reading posts where the bloggers share their journey and how they reach their goals. After years of loving the goals posts I saw others posting, I thought hello, McFly! Why aren’t you sharing your goals?
I didn’t truly understand the power of goal-setting until a few years ago. On my 24th birthday, I was feeling really crumby. That was during a tough time in my life body-image wise, and on a personal level I was just going through a tough time. It was then I decided that I was going to feel happier on my 25th birthday than I did on my 24th and I made a list of 25 goals I wanted to achieve by the time I turned 25. I called this list my “25 by 25.” While I only achieved about half of the things on this list, that year was transformative for me. I achieved my “heavy-hitting” goals that year including taking a trip outside of the U.S. and starting a blog.
I definitely don’t have life all figured out but I do know 24 was far better than 23, and I attribute that to the power of goal-setting. Even if I didn’t achieve everything I wanted to, I felt so good achieving just some of what I set out to do for myself. Since then, I have set goals for myself on a regular basis and I would love to start sharing them with you on the blog.
Hopefully this inspires you to set meaningful goals to help increase your health and happiness. That’s what it’s all about, right?
Here are my goals for the month of June:
- Meditate three times per week – You guys know I love a good morning routine. I find when I start my day with meditation and journaling what I’m grateful for, I have a positive attitude all day and am so much more productive. When I wake up and immediately start scrolling through Instagram I instantly start comparing myself to others and feel like I already haven’t done enough with my day as soon as I wake up. Not a good way to start the day. I have been loving guided meditations on the Calm app, and want to do it at least three times per week.
- Publish an ebook – I have had an idea for an ebook swimming around in my head for way too long, and haven’t done much to actually get it done. This month, I want to start putting pen to paper so I can get it out there. I think it is something a lot of you would enjoy!
- Write everyday – For someone who claims to love to write, I really don’t write as much as I would like to. After listening to the amazing Jessica Merchant’s (from how sweet eats) master class in the Food Entrepreneur Summit, I felt so inspired to write everyday. Whether I write blog posts, write in a journal or, you know, write that ebook I was talking about…I have plenty to write about!
So those are my goals for the month of June. I would love to hear your goals – leave a comment with your goals below! Let’s keep each other accountable 🙂
You inspire me! I really need to start making a goal list too. Yasssss to writing more, I feel more inspired to do so too. Good luck, you’ve got this!
Thank you so much Bethany – you inspire ME! I’m blown away you do so much while still in college. I would love to hear your goals once you write them down 🙂
I was JUST thinking about how I want to start meditating, even for just 5 minutes a day. I’ve heard it does wonders for your mental health. And YES ebook–do it!
You totally should! Calm and Headspace are two good apps to get started with.
I left Jessica’s master class feeling SO inspired. It really inspired me to create every day. Even if I don’t end up sharing it with the public, just keep creating!
That’s exactly how I feel! So inspiring
I’d love to start meditating in the mornings instead of hopping right onto social media. Sounds like a much more peaceful way to ease into the day!
It totally is! On the days I refrain from checking social media first thing, I notice how much calmer and happier I feel. Let me know how you do! 🙂
I love this! Calm is my absolute fave app. And YES GIRL — write that eBook! I would love to read it.
This month my goal is to put myself first and to be less hard on myself. I put so much pressure on myself and I keep myself in such a rigid routine – and this month I want to get out there and try new things that I’ve been wanting to try but haven’t given myself the permission to because they didn’t fit in with my normal “routine.”
That sounds like an amazing goal Christina! While I love a good routine, there is so much calm and beauty in letting yourself go with the flow at times. Keep me posted on how you do!
go girl!! i love the e-book goal – it’s such a great thing to work towards and is SO REWARDING when it’s completed. i’m not a huge goal maker, but i love the idea of making each year better than the last. that’s something i happily work towards =D
Thanks so much girl! I’ll keep you posted, feel free to kick my butt if I slack on the ebook. 😉 and I love the making each year better than the last – that’s what life’s all about!
Love this! Goal setting really is so powerful and can get you so much closer to what matters, even if that’s sometimes figuring out the goals you thought you had aren’t what’s making you happy. Writing and meditation are both two huge sources of happiness and peace for me so I should probably start doing them more than once in a blue moon. Xoxo
Oooh yes get to writing and meditating girl! I completely agree with you – I am coming to grips with the fact that some goals I set out for myself aren’t what I should be doing. It’s tough
I am a huge list maker, so I’m always writing goals down. I’ve actually been doing pretty good on my big goals for 2016, but I would like to also write down some smaller goals every couple months. I JUST downloaded Headspace to do guided meditations to calm a sista down. I would also love to release an eBook in early September! And to just be more accepting of myself and my body, and more compassionate – that’s a huge one.
Emilie you are KILLING IT in 2016. Just throwing that out there. So glad you downloaded those apps, and YES the self and body acceptance along with compassion are huge. You totally got this <3
These are awesome goals Les!! I definitely need to meditate and unwind more, and I just started the writing every day thing too. It really makes a difference! Even if I’m just scribbling nonsense on a page to clear my thoughts. It’s so therapeutic!
I totally agree! Writing is just so good for the soul
Meditating is one of the things that REALLY gets me focused back on God’s mercy and His love, because I often get distracted by the 120% busy hum of normal American life. Also, writing more is SUCH a good way of inspiring others and relaxing. I can’t wait to see your e-book. An E-book intimidates me.