For the record, yes I can spell cardio. Sometimes it’s just fun to throw in a little Kardashian-esque alliteration around. Don’t judge me.
Happy Work it Wednesday! I realized I haven’t posted an official Work it Wednesday workout in forever…but it’s all good because I have a good one for you today. It’s right up my alley as far as workouts go – short, sweaty and to the point. It also uses one of my favorite pieces of equipment – the kettlebell!
This is a quick fun circuit incorporating strength and cardio. Perform each mini-circuit three times through before moving onto the next. If you don’t want to run, you can use any piece of cardio equipment you’d like. If you don’t have access to a kettlebell, you can use a dumbbell – just go a little lighter.
A few form cues:
- Start off with a lighter weight until you become comfortable working with the kettlebell, then move up from there.
- NEVER bend over to pick up a kettlebell no matter how light it is! Always bend at the knees, keep you core tight perform a deadlift to pick up a kettlebell.
- When you perform your kettlebell swing, remember the motion should truly be in your hips. As you swing the kettlebell back, shift your hips back. As you swing the kettlebell up, bring your hips forward. It’s a swing, not a squat 😉
A few helpful links:
Squat to upright row
Around the World
A beginner kettlebell workout
There are so many incredible benefits to training with a kettlebell including increased flexibility, strength and cardiovascular. Since the kettlebell’s center of gravity is positioned on the bottom (as opposed to a dumbbell what is equally balanced on each side) it requires increased coordination and muscle recruitment to perform the exercises. Since your body is using so many muscles at once, you get the most bang for your exercise buck.