Well, friends, another month has passed which means it’s time for another life update. I’ve actually only posted one of these, but the response from you guys was overwhelmingly positive so I’ve decided to keep doing it! Think of these posts as a life update/random thoughts/monthly favorites all rolled up into one.
The Move
The time finally came – I moved! Here’s the backstory: for years I was on the track to become an RD. I went back to school and took the prerequisites, took the GRE and moved back home with my parents so I could save money for school. Then, I decided to change direction. Basically, I decided taking out more loans for school just wasn’t what I wanted (I had plenty from undergrad and am so close to paying them off). So I took advantage of that time living at home to make a career change (or two…) and save some moolah. I’m so grateful for that time with my family, but ya girl is pushing 30 and it was time to go. So I moved into an awesome house with two roommates and have been loving it. I love my cozy little room, I love being back in the city, and I love having a commute that’s literally half of what it was before.
I also love being in close proximity to some amazing workout studios, which brings me to my next update…
Workout Classes

Vivian Hsu Photography
I’ve been really into workout classes lately. While life has calmed down a little bit now that I’ve moved, my job has been really busy and I have picked up some new personal training clients so I haven’t had as much time to program my own workouts (don’t get me wrong though, I love writing workouts for others!). Now that I’m back in the city and am near so many great studios, I’ve been stepping my workout class game way up. I’ve taken yoga, Orange Theory, cycling (shoutout to City Cycle), barre, and pilates. I’m excited to try some boot camp and conditioning classes in the near future too.
For a long time, I was not into classes because I wanted to workout on my own, but I’m loving trying new things and having someone tell me what to do for once. Who am I? QUESTION – would you like to see more reviews of Seattle studios? Let me know and I’ll make it happen because I think these classes will continue to be a regular thang.
Tone it Up Tour
The Tone it Up team gifted me tickets to the Seattle stop of the tour, and you guys. IT. WAS. SO. FUN. Karena and Katrina are my heroes, the music was great, working out with Jillian Michaels is literally a bucket list item for me, and rosé was flowing everywhere. It was basically heaven.
But what I loved more than the rosé was meeting and reconnecting with so many amazing women. I’ve gone to several of the Seattle TIU meetups over the past few years, and in that time I’ve met some of the kindest, loveliest people. So many of them were there and literally, everyone had something kind, encouraging, and supportive to say. I also met so many new people who follow The Balanced Berry and gave me some amazing feedback. Being around so many people who were in my corner was an incredible feeling, and I’m still in an amazing mood because of it.
Leggings that look like real pants
In August, I left my job at lululemon to start a new adventure elsewhere. The only caveat was that meant I can now only wear workout clothes for working out. Party foul. However, it’s led me on quite the journey to find “real clothes” that are as comfortable as workout clothes and friends – I’ve found some gems, particularly for those of us who are balling on a budget.
First of all, if you haven’t yet tried the Rockstar jeans from Old Navy – get on it sister. They are easily the most comfortable “jeans” I’ve ever tried. Really they are more like jeggings but are super cute and actually look like real jeans (unlike most jeggings).
Second of all, I recently had this epiphany that not all leggings are activewear. As in, there are leggings that are indeed designed to be cute pants worn to and from. Yeah, I’m a little late on this one but mind…blown. I recently got this pair of moto leggings from Nordstrom and I’m obsessed. They’re super soft, comfy and look like real pants. Winner, winner.
Kind of a random thought, but I miss photography. I don’t miss sharing recipes all the time, but I do miss the creativity of photography. Maybe I should look for ways to get back into it? Or maybe I should just stop talking about it and start taking more photos. Yeah, I think I’ll do that.
Seattle Influencer Events
Something I’m trying to be better about is attending local events for influencers here in Seattle. They are an amazing way to network with other bloggers and content creators, and we usually get to do really cool stuff! Earlier this month, I participated in the “Unzipped: Fashion Meets Film” event by the ladies from Styled Seattle. I got to pick out a 90s-inspired outfit and pose for a fun photo shoot. The pictures were shown before a screening of Isaac Mizrahi’s “Unzipped” documentary. I had SO much fun styling outfits and jumping around for the shoot. Plus, anything 90s-themed has a special place in my heart.
Now it’s your turn! Please tell me what’s happening in your life.
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