Happy Friday friends! Is it just me, or has this week flown by? I’m never sad to see a Friday, but I seriously have no idea where this week went. This weekend will be pretty busy with me finally moving out of my apartment and trying to find time to study for my Chemistry test on Monday (great timing, I know). With that, I figured it would be the perfect time to address a topic I get asked about quite often – how to find make time for exercise.
We are all incredibly busy. Trust me I get it, there are so many things demanding our attention all at once. It can seem incredibly hard to make time for something like physical activity when we are already tired from a long day – but it’s actually easier than you think once you get the hang of it. Unfortunately, exercise is often the first thing to go when our schedules get busy, or when we are feeling tired. The thing is, it’s during these times we need exercise the most! If you don’t feel your best and are lacking energy, everything else will feel so much more challenging.
I like to think of energy as a bank account. Our daily actions can either increase (or deposit) energy, or they can decrease (or withdraw from) energy. Although it may not seem like it, exercise is one of the best things you can do to make a hefty deposit in your energy bank account each day to help you power through busy times. Here are a few tips for making time for fitness with a busy schedule:
1. Only workout on the days you want to be in a good mood. The wise Elle Woods said it best – “Exercise gives you endorphins. Endorphins make you happy. Happy people don’t kill their husbands.” Amen, sister friend. Anytime you want to feel more focused, happy, confident, less stressed, more patient and energized…get moving. You’re almost always guaranteed to feel better after a good workout than you did at the beginning. Remember that feeling of accomplishment when you need extra motivation to get started.
2. Set an appointment with yourself. If you have a doctor’s appointment, or a meeting scheduled with your boss, you wouldn’t bail because you didn’t feel like it would you? Of course not! Treat exercise the same way. Your regular workouts should be an important appointment you keep with yourself. Each Sunday, I like to sit down with my planner (the Day Designer…LOVE) and write out when I’m going to workout each week along with what specifically I’m going to do. This helps take the guess work out of it, and I’m far more likely to be successful if I have a game plan. It’s also important to schedule your workouts at a time that works best for YOU. For years now I’ve been preaching the benefits of morning exercise to any and everybody. Do I love waking up at an ungodly hour every morning? Um, no. But I love the positive impact it has on the rest of my day, and days that don’t start with a workout always feel a bit off. I also know myself well enough to know that if a workout doesn’t happen before noon, it’s probably not going to happen at all. If morning workouts aren’t your thing I won’t twist your arm about it, but I do encourage you to give it a try. Find a time that works well in your schedule where you know you’ll have the motivation to get it done, and when you are least likely to get interrupted.
3. Focus on exercise you truly enjoy. There are going to be some forms of exercise that you just plain don’t like. Don’t plan to go for a run every single day, if you would rather visit the dentist than lace up your running shoes. If you focus on exercise you don’t like, you’ll jump on any opportunity to skip your workout. Find a regular class you love, or make plans to workout with a friend so it’s something you’re looking forward to. You’re much more likely to stick with it if you actually enjoy it!
4. Make it as convenient as possible. You’re much more likely to actually get out of the door and get moving in the morning if your gym bag is already packed and waiting for you by the door and your workout clothes ready to go. If you like working out after work, pack your gym clothes and keep them in your car so you can go straight to the gym instead of having to go home first. If you’re anything like me, going home before intending to workout = not working out 😉
5. Think quality over quantity. Don’t feel like you need to spend a ton of time in the gym each day. It can be easy to think that if you can’t spend a full hour working out that you shouldn’t bother – totally not true! In fact, I don’t recommend working out that long unless you are in a solid routine because it can be incredibly easy to get burned out. If you can spend 20-40 minutes most days of the week moving your body, you’re off to a good start.
What are some of your favorite ways to fit in fitness when you’re busy?
Do you like morning or afternoon/night time workouts?
These are great tips to begin and stick to a workout routine. I know that I am the most productive when I get up early in the morning and go workout. It makes me feel better during the day and so refreshed. I am also less apt to want junk food as the day goes on.
Yes exactly! It makes the day so much better and it’s easier to make healthy choices all day