Well friends, as you may remember I ended 2015 on a rather pouty note here on the blog. I basically whined a lot and felt defeated with this whole space. At that point I was pretty positive I didn’t want to spend my time here anymore.
I’m happy to say, I no longer feel that way. Actually, I lied. Let me take a step back. I generally do feel the same way, but I am now able to articulate my feelings a lot better, and now I understand why I have been feeling that way.
What I thought before was a feeling of defeat, I am learning was a feeling of discomfort. I love blogging, I really do. I love the new people I have gotten to connect with, having a creative outlet and feeling like I’m working towards something other than the slow death of my 9-5. The issue is, I built this blog on a shoddy foundation and it is catching up with me big time.
I created this blog almost two years ago with the intentions of helping others find balance, and documenting my process of becoming an RD. All I wanted to do was help and inspire others. I was coming off of a rough couple of years where my relationship with food and exercise was anything but healthy and I wanted to help others to feel more balanced, and prevent anyone else from feeling as awful as I did during that time.
Yeah, me and every other blogger ever. And frankly, I got lost in the shuffle.
I don’t know if you have noticed but I never talk about balance. Like ever. And that has a lot to do with what I said above. At this point I feel like the idea of βbalanceβ has become so cliche that I don’t feel like I have anything valuable to say about it. In fact, the sheer name of this blog makes me cringe every time I think about it.
Sure, I could talk more about what it was like when I spent years under-eating and overexercising, and how I’m now “balanced” but I have read story after story all over the web for years now that sound almost exactly like mine. At this point, I just don’t feel my version of that story is worth telling. Oh, and I have been on an extended hiatus from my RD studies for almost a year. So there’s that.
So when the basis for the blog is pretty much dunzo, what’s a girl to blog about?
Well, when faced with that situation, this girl mindlessly pumps out recipes week after week without making any real connection to my content or audience. I’m going to keep it 100 here: my heart isn’t fully in it.
When I first started, I was so driven and motivated by the idea that I was helping and inspiring people. But somewhere along the way I got stuck in a rut where I was creating content that didn’t feel helpful or inspiring. Yet I kept doing it because it came fairly easy to me. It was a habit. I have been cooking since I was young, so coming up with new recipes is pretty darn easy. And for some reason, I have gotten incredibly lucky with my camera and learned to take decent photos relatively quickly.
So I just kept doing it and kept doing it and kept doing it. All while feeling frustrated and defeated that I wasn’t living up to what the intention of this space was supposed to be. No wonder the growth of this blog has been, and continues to be, so painfully slow – I was operating on pure negativity and you could probably feel it right through the screen.
Les, get your life together girl.
With all of that said, I have been slowing things down to do some soul searching and figure out what I can offer the world through this space that will truly add value to others. So you may be seeing some changes around here. Does that mean I’m going to stop blogging? No ma’am, at least I don’t plan on it. And I also don’t plan on stopping with recipe posts altogether because I love food and love sharing food with others.
It does mean that I will be posting when I actually have something to say. Not when I have pretty food photos on my desktop that I am itching to get out into the world for likes. And I won’t be posting just to post, I will be posting when true inspiration strikes, or when I feel I truly have value to add to others.
It’s time to return to my roots, and to try and be as helpful and inspiring as possible. I hope you’ll join me for the ride.
I’m always here to give support!
Thank you so much! You are just the best <3
I totally feel you, Les! I started my blog as more of an online journal when I was a freshman in college and now it definitely has more of a “job” feel to it than something I do for fun in my spare time. I absolutely love it, but I completely understand your need to return to your roots and get back to why you started in the first place.
I can’t wait to see the new changes you implement! <3 You have my full support.
Thank you so much Christine! Watching you grow and pursue your passions is definitely a huge inspiration for me. My mind is still blown that you are still in college – so wise!
I totally feel you girl what you said at the end is exactly where I am with my blog, I blog when I have something to say. Also I had to step back and make it about me as well. I know everyone says give your readers what they need and want but I feel like when you only do that it makes it feel like work. Yes I love helping people yes I love to give. But ultimately this is your blog and you have to post what you love and are passionate about. Keep going girl!
Exactly! There is just so much conflicting information out there – one minute your blog is supposed to be about what readers want not what you want. But on the other hand you have to be “personal” to get readers. Which is it! So conflicting.
Wishing all the best to you, I have been loving your workout videos!
Honesty from a blogger is always helpful and inspiring. Chances are you’re going to move forward with your changes and feel more confident in your posts, and your readers are going to appreciate it all the more.
I sure hope so. Thank you so much for your support π
I feel lost in the shuffle of the blogging world too. I often wonder “wait, what am I writing about?” I recently recommitted to going back to my roots too. It can be easy to get caught up in the idea that we have to post what we think the people want. But in the end, everyone on the internet says that authenticity is what gains interest and readership. Your readers will be here for the ride xox
Totally! I honestly didn’t even feel like I was posting what people wanted – I was posting just to post. I’m excited to see where returning to your roots takes you as well π
I love that you have realized a state of discomfort, and are taking time to figure out how this can be more of what you want it to be. We are here to support you!
Ahh thank you so much Jess! Your support means the world <3
So interesting! There has been a lot of blogger burnout lately {me included}. I wonder if it’s because so many of us are feeling the same thing…we are being told that we need to do x, y & z to get readers, but it’s not what is in our hearts. Great post to get us thinking!
Thank you so much for your comment Maureen. I do think a big cause for burnout is because there are just so many of us who want to be heard in such a crowded space. Taking a step back to recharge, and remembering there is room for everyone has been a huge help.
This is REFRESHING coming from you as another blogger, because I think we all forget our blogging identity once in a while. It’s good to refresh, for me to remember that my blog is a journey of sharing the awesomeness of what God is doing in my life, beauty found in Christ Jesus, and really enjoying every food that God has made for His glory. <3 It's easy for me to miss that, so I'm having to step away every weekend and re-think it. <333
Thank you Emily! Yes, I agree taking a step back to reassess is definitely key. I also have a goal to reconnect with my faith, so your comment was a good reminder for me to keep things in perspective π
I have to say I’ve only recently come across your blog and really like how you chat as if the blog reader is in front of you, having said that I believe you have to be comfortable with what you do in life and if it means taking a step back to reassess no problem, as everyone has said above, we’ll still be here. You’re on my favourites so I’ll dip in every once in a while to catch up with what you’re doing. Good luck.
Lorraine, your comment truly made my day. I am so glad you enjoy the blog and appreciate my style – I am so glad you found my little corner of the internet! Your support is greatly appreciated
So freaking proud of you Les.
Right back atcha girlie.
Les I’m giving you a big virtual hug right now!! I can totally relate to feeling disconnected at times. And while the “balance” space is fairly saturated and people do share similar stories, I know you have something special to say and your space stands out to me. I so enjoy coming over. I’m so proud and inspired by your honesty. It’s something I strive for within my own space. You know I’m always here for whatever you need!
Seriously Ashley, you are just too good to me. I appreciate all of your help and putting up with my craziness these past few months – ha! Thank you for the virtual hug, I really appreciate it π
I literally just wrote a post about similar feelings! Ultimately, you need to do what feels right to you and your readers will totally understand and see the passion with whatever direction you take this in. I’m happy you were able to get your thoughts and feelings out there! It’s definitely not easy to do that in the blogging world.
It is super tricky to really sit down and articulate how we feel for the internet to see. Thank you for the encouragement and support xoxo
I think as bloggers we all feel ya girl! I’m excited to see your posts and what the future has in store! Keep doing you and you’ll inspire many!
Thank you Natalie – I really appreciate that π
Aww Les, this was so well written. Sometimes the ‘first step’ is being able to articulate and understand where the frustration is coming from, and i think you’ve done exactly that.
I hope that you are able to figure out what exactly it is you want to write about, and find that passion. I am alwaysss in awe of your recipes, and countless times have used your photos for inspiration.
Lots of love chica! xx
Ahhh thank you so much Beverley! And can we talk about how much of an inspiration YOU are? Straight up fit goddess. Thank you for the love.
It’s so easy to get down on yourself…especially in the blog world I think. Sometimes you have this REALLY great post that you LOVE and think everyone else will too…and crickets…
It’s so easy to just caught up in creating content, just to make sure your front page stays fresh…but you what I’ve noticed….every time I seem to take a little “break” whether it from moving, or the holidays, feeling less than inspired, or whatever, everything seems to grow like CRAZY!
And that inspires ME to keep creating things that I LOVE, and that I WANT to share. It also lets me take some time to really l think about exactly WHAT i want to share and WHY.
Looking forward to seeing some changes and I know you’ll find your way! π Blogging is like a roller coaster, there are ups and downs EVERY. SINGLE. DAY. lol
Deanna, you’re spot on (as usual). I have been taking a break from new posts and social media and it has truly been a life saver. Thank you so much for your support! xo
Girl! This is such a great post… and at PERFECT timing for me! I was literally just talking to my mom about basically the same thing a couple days ago! I hear ya and I TOTALLY support ya! Thanks for sharing pretty lady!
xoxo Cailee!
Aww thank you so much Cailee – we’re all in this together!
still here, you do you girl <3
Thank you so much <3
What a great self-reflection Les! It’s nice to see such honesty sometimes and I certainly feel similar things about the blogging world sometimes. I hope you find your inspiration again and are able to continue with your blog – I really enjoy it and visit you often!
Thank you so much for your kind comment Jennifer – I’m so glad you found and enjoy the blog. Thanks for your support! <3