This Summer HIIT Workout is the perfect body-sculpting routine you can do anywhere. No equipment needed!
Welcome to your first post-Summer SLAY workout here on TBB! If there’s anything I learned after the Summer SLAY, it’s that you certainly love your HIIT and you’re always looking for new ways to get moving with minimal equipment.
Ask and you shall receive my friends.
I’m so glad you guys like the workouts I programmed because creating new workouts is one of my favorite things to do. With that said, I have decided to bring Work it Wednesdays back to the blog! What is Work it Wednesday you ask? Back in the early days of the blog, I devoted Wednesdays to fitness-related content. Somewhere along the way, Work It Wednesday got lost, but now IT’S BACK.
That means every Wednesday when you come to the blog there will be a piece of fitness-related content for you. Whether it’s a new workout, a fitness tutorial, or series of tips, Wednesdays are your days to get moving and grooving here on TBB.
So for today’s Work it Wednesday, we are going to jump into that HIIT workout I talked about above. This HIIT routine can be done anywhere and requires no special equipment. Perform each exercise for 60 seconds with minimal rest in between. After finishing the circuit, rest for 60 seconds before completing two more rounds.
Here’s the low down on the moves:
Plank Toe Taps (Click Here for Video Demonstration)
Begin in straight-arm plank position. Keeping your hips steady and your core engaged, step your toes out side to side.
180 Degree Squat Jumps (Click Here for Video Demonstration)
Begin facing forward with your feet hip distance apart. Perform a jump squat turning 180 degrees to face the area behind you. Make sure you land softly to protect your joints.
Tricep Push-Up with Kick Back (Click Here for Video Demonstration)
Begin in a push-up position with your elbows positioned close to your body. Lower down into a tricep push-up and kick one leg behind you to perform a glute kick back. Alternate the kick back on each leg with each rep.
Side to Side Shuffles (Click Here for Video Demonstration)
Shuffle five paces each direction while remaining in a low squat position. Sit your hips back and keep your chest up so you aren’t hunched over.
Sumo Burpee (Click Here for Video Demonstration)
From a straight-arm plank position, jump your feet to land just outside of your hands to be in a sumo position. Jump up to and bring your feet together to perform a burpee. Repeat for 60 seconds.
Pinnable Version:
Your Turn:
Check in on Instagram by tagging @balancedberry or leave a comment below once you complete this workout!
Are you excited for the return of Work it Wednesday? What kinds of workouts/fitness tips would you like to see?