I have gotten a lot of feedback from you guys that are looking for a simple, accessible fitness plan that doesn’t overhaul your entire life, especially if you’re just getting into a fitness groove.
Based off of your feedback, I am so excited to introduce the Summer SLAY Fitness Challenge! A balanced, approachable fitness program that is completely FREE and will all be right here on the blog.
The Summer SLAY starts on Monday, June 19 and will be four weeks long.
What is the Summer SLAY?
We are all about #ConfidenceOverComparison here at The Balanced Berry. The Summer SLAY will be a fun, interactive challenge that is all about crushing your goals to build confidence and slay like the queen you are. The Summer SLAY is a four-week fitness and lifestyle challenge that includes:
- Fast, effective daily workouts
- Healthy meal menus (Including recipes and grocery lists)
- Group support
And some fun surprises along the way 🙂
How do I join?
Participation is totally free! You can sign up using the form below to get all the workouts and meal ideas straight to your inbox each Friday so you can plan for the week ahead. Bonus: if you sign up to receive your Summer SLAY plans via email, you’ll get my free meal prep guide.
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Also, make sure you join the Confidence Over Comparison Community on Facebook for group support. There you can ask questions, share recipes and ideas, get daily motivation and check-in throughout the challenge. I’ll also be doing live videos within the group sharing additional helpful tips and motivation 🙂
How do I check-in during the challenge?
You can check-in by leaving comments here on the blog, checking into the Facebook group, tagging me on Instagram (@balancedberry) and using the hashtag #TBBSummerSLAY.
Where do I find the workouts and meal ideas?
All of the weekly plans will be posted here on The Balanced Berry every Sunday throughout the challenge. I definitely don’t want you to get overwhelmed, so this post will be your hub for all things Summer Slay. Each week I’ll update this post with links to the workouts and meal ideas.
If you are a planner, you can sign up to receive the weekly plans each Friday via email. If you do sign up for email updates, you’ll also get my meal planning ebook with some amazing tips and recipes to help you be a meal prep superstar.
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What will I need to participate?
- At least one set of dumbbells (one of the workouts includes a kettlebell move that can be done with a dumbbell instead)
- Your favorite water bottle
- A timer (I like the Gymboss Timer App)
- A notebook (to track your workouts, progress, meals, etc.)
- A workout buddy! Make sure you share the challenge with your friends who are looking to get in shape this summer
- A positive attitude. We came to slay after all 😉
Links for each week of the Summer SLAY (updated throughout the challenge):
WEEK 1 Workout Schedule and Meal Ideas
WEEK 2 Workout Schedule and Meal Ideas
WEEK 3 Workout Schedule and Meal Ideas
Week 4 Workout Schedule and Meal Ideas
I am SO excited to workout with you this summer. Please comment below and let me know if you’re in, and make sure you share the challenge with your favorite workout buddy!
Just signed up! Can’t wait to get started. <3
I’m so excited to have you Karli! <3
You know I’m game. I can’t wait
YESSSS. So excited!
I’m excited! This sounds awesome!
Yay! So happy you’re joining Alisha!
Count me in!
So happy to have you Aly!
Signed up, glad to be participating!
I’m excited!
Excited to have you!
So excited for week one! Did we just start this Summer Slay with “cookie dough overnight?! I’M IN LOVE
This is exactly what I have been looking for!! This upcoming week’s lineup looks great, SO excited to start!
I’m so excited for this, Les. I’ve been so bored and uninspired by BOTH my meals and workouts lately. I just want something new to shake things up and excite me again!
Quick question – the recipes on the plan that you sent out, do we just look them up on your blog?
Nevermind! I just discovered the recipes are actually links! Awesome!
Oh perfect! Ignore my last response 🙂
So excited to have you Cora! When you open the PDFs you can click the names of each meal and it will take you to the recipe. Let me know if you have any issues and I can send you links 🙂
Day 1 workout isn’t brutal but it is…SWEATY. Now if I can do well with the meal plan. Honey peanut butter oatmeal for breakfast, homemade Soup for lunch but happy hour for dinner… I should have prepped snacks so I’m headed to the store at 7am…
And I need to do the hydration piece well!!!
Sweaty for sure! You’re going to do great <3
Been following your blog for a bit now, and I was so excited when I saw this challenge! Awesome recipes and kick butt workouts! Started up this morning and couldn’t be more pumped!
Thank you Alex – so excited to have you following along!
Day 1 ✔️
I’m so excited to keep doing the summer slay! The workout and recipes from yesterday were amazing!!!👌🏽
Aww yay! So glad you liked it Emily!
The breakfasts on this plan are the 💣.com 🤤
Breakfast is my favorite too! <3
Halfway through my first attempt at tabata, I knew I was in for a long 16 minutes! Lol but seriously I love how quick you made these workouts. I never feel overwhelmed before starting because I know I’m gonna get a bomb workout in a short amount of time. Can’t wait for week 2!
I’ve been working the Summer Slay program. I have noticed less bloating with wt loss, more energy and feeling strong! Thank you Les for your wonderful support and fabulous work putting this program together!!❤️
LOVE LOVE LOVE. So glad you’re enjoying the challenge Kimberly!
Feeling so much stronger! A guy was ogling me in the gym while I was working out today and I was so happy to be able to think “wow this workout is 100% for me. It’s not about you. It’s about making me stronger.” So many times I have gone to the gym because I want to look good, and my workouts were all focused towards how I can complete the bare minimum and keep looking skinny. But your workout plan and ideology has forced me to re-center my fitness goals towards personal strength and mindfulness. I am so grateful, Les!
Julia you have no idea how much this has made my day. I’m so happy to hear that you’ve adopted this outlook. You are strong and amazing! 🙂
Oh HECK YES. I LOVE your attitude and love how confident you are. Thank you so much for sharing Julia!