Hi friends, long time no talk. Sorry for kind of disappearing on you there, but I’m back now. Frankly, I needed a little blog break. I have had the blogger blahs for quite some time now and taking a week off of posting and slowing down on social media felt oh-so-good. It also doesn’t hurt that I have an amazing group of blogger buddies who are supportive, encouraging, share ideas and occasionally talk me off of the blogger ledge. Hey, it happens. π
With that said, today’s post is a special one – I’m talking about the amazing Bloggers Gonna Blog community led by Georgie and Christina, and sharing the deets on our fun secret santa exchange. Get excited people.
Perhaps the best part of the gift exchange was giving a gift to someone you know mainly from their blog. Really, it gave me a really good excuse to be nosy and a creep, to figure out what my recipients would like. In case you don’t know me very well, being nosy and a creep are perhaps two of my favorite things to be. I don’t mean a creep in a creepy way, I mean a creep in an undetectably nosy/I’ll know all your business before you do type of way. Don’t be alarmed, everything I’m saying is totally normal.
Needless to say, I was pretty darn excited when I had full reign to creep on/send gifts to the fabulous foodie sister duo Bethany and Rachel from Athletic Avocado.
If you aren’t following these two, you definitely want to get on that. They are bad-ass collegiate gymnasts who post amazing recipes specifically for busy people who don’t have a ton of time to spend in the kitchen, but still want to eat healthful foods.
Since they are college students, I wanted to send them a goodie box of Christmas cheer. Let’s be real, Christmas sucks when you’re in college. Finals get all up in the way of the holiday spirit. So I sent them a care package with a yummy candle, snacks, a spatula, festive body scrubs oatmeal chocolate chip cookie ingredients in a jar.
I was also lucky enough to receive an awesome gift from Alyssa, the blogger behind Renaissance Runner Girl. RRG is a really fun blog where Alyssa shares yummy gluten-free recipes and her adventures as a runner.
For my gift, Alyssa sent me an adorable hot chocolate kit complete with a festive mug and a few cocoa mixes that were delicious. It was truly the perfect gift because I’m obsessed with mugs (seriously…I have an embarrassing number of mugs) and am a hot drink fanatic.
All in all, I’m so grateful to be a part of this amazing blogging community and I encourage you to branch out and find a community of people you connect with outside of your day-to-day as well. If you can find a squad who is supportive, relatable and has the same passions and interests as you, that’s the whipped cream on top of the cocoa.
Your Turn:
- What is the best secret santa gift you have ever received?
- Do you have a group of like-minded people you connect with?
I don’t know why but I’m officially all teary. I’ve been making my way through all the BGB SS posts, that could have something to do with it.
I’m so thankful for our lil BGB group! And Les, I’m always here to talk you off that blogging ledge because you’re freaking awesome and don’t you ever doubt it. Here’s to 2016, we’re gonna KILL IT. <3
Ahhh you da best. So grateful to have you as a blogging buddy. Let’s kill this ish in 2016! <3
That’s adorable! So bummed I missed this gift exchange. Love out BGB community!!!
Ahhh next year! Thanks for stopping by Chrissa!
My little heart kind of flutters when I think about how lucky I am to have found this community! Seriously, I am so #blessed. I would not be where I am without y’all – and it DEFINITELY would not be as fun! I’m so glad to have found your blog through BGB. Never give up; it’s absolutely beautiful and I get excited to read every post! Keep it up, Les. We got this!
Ahhh Emilie you’re actually the sweetest. The community is absolutely amazing, and I’m very grateful to be a part of it. And I just have to say I LOVE your blog. The fact that you can put out such amazing content while in college amazes me. I was a hot mess express in college haha. Keep it up girl!
That’s perfect how sweet and festive!
Agreed! Such a cute gift π
Love teh mug! So thankful to have this community as well and to know that a g group of cheerleaders and supporters are just a click away π
My thoughts exactly! π
I’m really excited to meet in real-life tomorrow! Yay for the BGB Community!
So glad we got to meet up! I hope you’re having a fabulous winter break!
That is the most adorable penguin I have ever seen. So happy you got a great break in, we all need that from time to time. You’re never alone <3 love this post, Les, keep it up!!! Happy Holidays!
Thank you so much Christina. I hope you had a fabulous holiday! xoxo
So glad you liked it (and also that I definitely spent an hour in that shop debating whether to get a penguin or a polar bear. It was well worth it.)
I loved it! Thanks again π
Alyssa got you so many delicious treats! Love that you participated in such a fun exchange. Love the BGB community!
I love the BGB community too! So many fabulous, helpful people!
The mug is so cute! I absolutely loved my secret santa gift this year from Georgie since it was so thoughtful. This exchange was so fun, I hope we do it again!
Agreed, it was so much fun!
I’m just coming out of a two week case of the blogging blues as well! It’s nice to know that I’m not the only one who faces them. BGB is SUCH an awesome community and you got such a great gift! That mug is adorbs <3
Christine, you are so not alone there. I’m excited for your new lifestyle-focused content – I love your blog! And can we talk about how obsessed with your photography I am? I’m literally fangirl-ing over here
I just joined BGB this week and I love it already! Everyone is so supportive!
Welcome to the group! You will continue to love it I’m sure π