Missy Palacol Photography.
Another week, another workout round-up. I won’t lie to you guys, last week felt a little off in the workout department. But that’s why I like sharing these posts – so you can see it isn’t all burpees and rainbows and sunshine and bunnies. Sometimes you have a couple of bum workouts. Sometimes you can’t push as hard as you would like to and sometimes you have to back off a little bit. And guess what? That is totally ok.
In case you didn’t see on Instagram, last week I started my own round of the Whole30. Mainly because I was going overboard on certain foods for all the wrong reasons – i.e. feeling bored, tired, sad, anxious, nervous, cranky, you name it. I needed to take a step back to simplify my food for a little while, and to try to solve my problems with something besides chocolate and peanut butter. Because as delicious as that combo is, it’s not the answer to every problem. So I’m taking a little break from it.
What does this have to do with my workouts? Well, kind of everything. For the past week, I have been cooking every. Single. Meal I’ve eaten. I love cooking, so it has been fun but it has also been time-consuming. Knowing I need to prep a real-food breakfast because I’m not just blending up my usual smoothies and running out the door has made me shift my morning routine a bit, which has impacted my workouts. Then there’s also the fact that my body is now readjusting to get far less sugar than it’s used to. So there’s a little recalibration happening.
Alright, let’s jump into the workouts.

Missy Palacol Photography
Part 1: Pull Up Queen Circuit
Part 2: 5 Minute EMOM’s Per Exercise
6 Ball Slam Burpees
20 Kettlebell Swings
15 Goblet Squats
(PS: Not sure what EMOM means? Check out this post of fitness term definitions)
Rest Day
Cardio Strength Class at NW Fitness Project
I found this gym through ClassPass and decided to stop in. It. Was. Awesome. The class consisted of small group training through a high-intensity functional workout. I was sweating buckets by the end, but it was right up my alley.
After a mobility warm-up, we were paired up to do some medicine ball partner exercises. The first part of the workout was a kettlebell circuit, and the second part was a bodyweight conditioning circuit. We topped things off with a plank/sled push finisher. So basically it was all of my favorite things in one hour. Highly recommend checking out NW Fitness Project if you’re in Seattle like functional workouts.
Part 1: Restorative core and mobility workout I wrote for an upcoming project. However I’ll note restorative does not mean easy.
Part 2: Pull Up Queen Circuit
Rest Day
I won’t lie, this workout sucked. Not because the workout is bad, but because my body was like “bitch, please.” I hadn’t gotten nearly enough sleep the night before and my poor tired bod slugged through this workout.
Part 1: 4×5 Barbell Deadlifts
Part 2: 15 Minute AMRAP
5 Burpee with Tuck Jump
10 Ball Slams
15 Stability Ball Jackknife
(PS: Not sure what AMRAP means? Check out this post of fitness term definitions)
Spent the day photographing and filming new fitness content! So it was a really active day 🙂
- What workouts do you have planned for the week?
- Have you ever had to ease up when your body needed more rest?
Photos by Missy Palacol Photography.