Happy Monday! I hope you had a wonderful weekend, and are enjoying all things fall. I’m not really because I’m a summer lover through and through, but if it’s cold and rainy and gross outside, I guess I can suck it up, light a pumpkin candle. It’s ok. But sunshine is better.
Last week you guys really liked my first weekly workout recap, so I’ll try to keep this thing going. I want to note that this week was really heavy on workout classes. I’ve been really trying to push myself out of my comfort zone and try different types of exercise. I also bought Neghar Fonooni’s Pull-Up Queen program because she’s an awesome trainer and human. So you’ll see some of those workouts sprinkled in here and there.
Here are my workouts from last week!
FlyBarre class. I can’t lie, this class was rough. I suck at barre, so maybe that means I should do more of it.
Tuesday – Full Body Strength Training
3×8 Front Squats
Crazy 8’s 15 Minute AMRAP:
8 Kettlebell Snatches per side
8 Kettlebell Deadlifts
8 Kettlebell Snatches per side
8 Kettlebell High Pulls
8 Kettlebell Snatches per side
8 GHD Back Extensions
City Cycle Seattle Class.
Rest Day!
Lagree Fitness workout at Inspire Seattle. I hated every minute of this workout while it was happening, but I felt amazing afterward. Classic fitness dilemma. The class focused a lot on lower body work, so there were a ton lunges and kickbacks that burned so good.
I do really like reformer Pilates, and Lagree is like Pilates on absolute crack. Like barre, this is way outside of my comfort zone and is something I should make more time for.
Saturday – Upper Body Strength Training
Part 1: Intermediate Day 1 Circuit from Pull-Up Queen
Part 2: 15 Minute Core and Power AMRAP
10 Dead Bugs
3 Hanging Crunches
10 Thrusters
3 Hanging Crunches
10 Good Mornings
3 Hanging Crunches
Finished up with lots of stretching.
I’ll also add, I was gifted an awesome massage at Gene Juarez on Saturday and the massage therapist did a ton of work on my traps, shoulders, and lats. As amazing as it felt, I probably overdid it by doing the workout above after the massage. It was probably a wee bit too much action for my back muscles for one day and I can barely move my arms. Oops!
C1 Class at CorePower Yoga. Although this class is designed for beginner yogis (although I’m inflexible as heck, I’ve been doing yoga since high school), the slower easy stretches felt really good – especially on my back.
And there you have it! My workouts from the last week of September. For the record, I’m sore AF.
Your Turn:
Have you tried any workouts that took you out of your comfort zone lately?