Missy Palacol Photgraphy
Now I need some advice from you guys. Or maybe not advice, but just good vibes. I’m really wanting to expand my reach/touch and help more people but I’m really struggling with how to go about it. Yes I am a trainer and fitness is really important to me, so my initial thought was to come out with some sort of fitness guide/program. But to be honest, the thought/idea of doing so is filling me with anxiety. I’ve done a few online boot camps that fell really short of my hopes and dreams of what they would be, because that just wasn’t what my audience wanted and it drew really lackluster participation from the few folks who actually signed up to do it (can I keep it 100 with you guys, even about my massive failures? Cool, thanks). After three unsuccessful attempts, I’m not exactly eager to jump back into creating an online boot camp again.
So the other idea would be to create a workout guide/ebook. I’ve actually written a great program with a unique concept that I would love to share. But I’m just really stuck with figuring out how to make it happen. The issue? They are expensive to create (photography/exercise videos, design, etc.) and frankly, I can’t afford to get the project off the ground. I’ve gotten a lot of suggestions that are appreciated, but just don’t feel feasible (i.e. a pre-sale where I might sell like two copies won’t help me get this thing moving). In addition to the financial aspect, I’m really struggling with some negative self-talk and doubts that anyone would want to actually buy my program (see online bootcamp failure above). I keep thinking, “there are so many guides out there, why would anyone follow mine? I don’t have enough readers, I don’t have enough Instagram followers, etc. etc.” I know. I’m disappointed in me too. Those thoughts aren’t in the spirit of #ConfidenceOverComparison, but hey, I’m human.

Missy Palacol Phography
Depressing thoughts aside, let’s take a look at last week’s workouts.
Yin Yoga Class and a 3-mile walk. It felt awesome to take it easy and relax into some slow, deep stretches instead of forcing myself to push through a fast-paced vinyasa. I followed up class with a walk around Greenlake with my roommates <3.
Part 1: Pull-Up Queen Circuit
Part 2: Strength Circuit
10, 8, 6, 4, 2 Reps
Cable Goblet Squats
Dumbbell Bicep Curl to Press
Single Leg Squat to Bench with Kettlebell (reps on both legs)
Kettlebell Romanian Deadlift
TRX Pike
PM: Pilates Class at Club Pilates Newcastle. I usually don’t advocate for multiple workouts in one day, but I really like the owner of this studio and was excited to see she opened another location. This class was great – Pilates makes me feel like I’ve gone to physical therapy.
Hip Mobility work + Short Power Circuit
This was kind of a hodgepodge workout but it was great. My hips are really tight and it is impacting my ability to effectively execute some exercises I would like to get better at. I ended up making up a flow/circuit on the spot of a few exercises and my hips/low back have felt a lot better ever since. They included:
Squat to Standing
Banded Goblet Squat Holds with Kettlebell → Brutal
Squatting Internal Rotations
Low Lunges
After that, I wanted to get my heart rate up a bit so I did a quick 10-minute AMRAP of Hang Cleans and TRX Push-Ups with Leg Abduction.
Part 1: Pull Up Queen Circuit
Part 2: 15 Minute AMRAP (Core Work)
8 Windmills Per Side
10 Kettlebell Squat Cleans
10 Standing Cross Crunches Per Side on the GHD
Cardio Strength Class at NW Fitness Project
To be honest, we did a bunch of different things that I don’t fully remember (it was early, ha) but I had a blast during this workout. One highlight was I bench pressed using the barbell which I never really do (I typically just use dumbbells) so it was fun to do a different variation.
Rest Day
Rest Day + lots of walking
I hope you have an amazing week!
Photography by Missy Palacol.