Happy self-care Sunday, friends. How are you feeling about the week ahead? Let’s not have any of that Sunday blues business going on. We don’t do that anymore around here. Last week, I shared why I think self-care is so important, and why I am working to prioritize it more than ever before. However, my definition of self-care isn’t necessarily for everyone and that’s okay. We are all unique, and all need to take care of ourselves in a way that works best for us.
With that said, I wanted to give you some different perspectives on the importance of self-care. I called on some amazing bloggers to share what self-care means to them, and why it is so important from their point of view. I was blown away by the responses, and am so excited to share them below.
So without further adieu, some of my blogging buddies are answering: what does self-care mean to you?
Cayanne from Healthyezsweet Life
“When your world starts to feel out of control and your heart wants to beat out of your chest before you can take one more step, that’s when you know self-care is long overdue. And to me, self-care is about being in touch with your emotions and knowing when to prioritize yourself before the out of control feelings set in. It’s being able to say ‘no’ to others and set responsibility aside with zero guilt because happiness and health come first. It’s netflix and chill or ice cream out of the carton for some and scaling a mountain and working up a sweat for others. It’s personal, intuitive, and needs no justification.”
Natasha from A Dash of Tash
“Self-care is about looking after myself; showing some love – mentally, physically and emotionally. It isn’t one thing, or a one-time thing. It can’t be practiced in bursts or ‘banked’ for when I need it. It is a constant exercise of activities that enable me to do my best and be happy.”
Rebecca Pytell from Strength and Sunshine
“Maintaining your well-being and happiness. Making yourself a priority so you can live and radiant your full unique and beautiful potential.”
Molly from Apollo and Luna
“Self-care means taking time for my mind and body. I work full-time, blog full-time, and raise two kids, so it’s really important that I balance all of the chaos with time for myself and my health.”
Lindsey from Nourish Move Love
“I like to take a holistic approach to self-care; adequately investing in your overall health and well-being — physically, emotionally and spiritually.”
Seriously, how powerful are those responses? I love the diversity of thought and perspective in all of them, yet I whole-heartedly agree with every single one. These ladies know their stuff, and I am so appreciative of all of their perspectives. I’m excited to share more nuggets of advice on self-care from this group of ladies, and several others. Stay tuned for more in upcoming self-care Sunday posts.
Your Turn:
- What is your definition of self-care? Which response above resonated with you most?
- What did you do to practice self-care this week?
I love the heck out of this post! Cayenne’s response really resonated with me, because health-care can mean different things to me at different times. Some days it might be going for a long run, whereas other days it might mean looking through a magazine or watching a funny show.
Absolutely! I love how she articulated the importance of individuality when it comes to self-care. So on-point.
Love it! I do think it means something different to everyone, but there are those undeniable threads that are true for us all!
Yes, my thoughts exactly!
Love this <3 thanks for sharing Les
So glad you enjoyed it! These ladies have some amazing perspectives. <3
I love this post, and thank you for including my thoughts. Self-care is something that everyone (bloggers especially) should continue to talk about.. we over=work ourselves and rarely take breaks!
Thank you for sharing your thoughts! I absolutely agree, self-care should continue to be the forefront. All about putting our oxygen masks on first