Heyo! I hope you’re all having a great week so far.
Can we talk about this Arctic Chill situation for a minute? Not into it. Wasn’t it just summer like a few weeks ago? And how did we skip over Fall all together? Life’s questions.
Anyways…as I have said before, I’m beyond obsessed with PiYo. As in, it’s all I want to do 99.9% of the time. In my attempts to continue spreading the PiYo love, I came up with this PiYo-Inspired Tabata Workout and it’s a good one! 20 minute full-body workout with no equipment required.
Videos and form checks:
- Tricep Push-Ups –> Remember to keep your elbows close to your ribcage. Practice on your knees if you’re new at these!
- Curtsy Lunge –> Bonus points for adding the hop
- PiYo Pike –> Perform 4 sets per side, alternating each round to relieve your wrists
- Squat Pulse –> Make sure you keep some tension in those legs! Don’t come all the way up on the squat, and keep the knee in line with the ankle
- Kick-Through –> If you can’t yet lift your leg, that’s ok! Shift your body from side to side, letting your legs do most of the work