Happy Work It Wednesday! How is everyone’s week going so far? Mine has been a little all over the place. I did manage to ace both my Chemistry and Psychology tests this week, so that definitely put a little pep in my step. I will definitely be going into my plan for becoming a Registered Dietician in greater detail on the blog after I wrap up this quarter.
On the workout front, I’ve been keeping it pretty low-key these days. Mostly sticking to PiYo and quick circuits I put together when I want to mix things up.
How does a new upper body workout sound? Below is a fun, quick circuit I did this morning, and it definitely had me working up a good sweat! Be sure to check with your doctor before making any fitness changes, know your limits and listen to your body.
Form cues:
- When doing the bent over rows, keep the core engaged to protect your lower back. You should have a slight bend at the waist and knees, with your back in a nice straight line.
- For the Tricep dips, begin in a tabletop position and just bend at the elbows. For a little extra fun, throw in an alternating leg raise 😀
What are some of your favorite upper body exercises? I gotta say, I love kicking it old school with push-ups. See ya later this week with some fun holiday recipes!